Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Jane Austen Book Club - Book Review

Finished The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Fowler last month but was so bored by it I had forgotten to do a review. The book isn’t so much bad, as it just wasn’t my style. The writing was fine, I just didn’t feel there was a plot and even after reading it I’m left wondering the purpose and plot of the book. There isn’t a climax or even a story line in my personal opinion. A book should be working towards a main theme and hopefully that theme/problem will be slightly resolved in the end. Well Fowler never had to resolve the issue because she never developed an issue so in that since I guess the mission was accomplished.

Grade: D
Recommend: Probably not


Anonymous said...

It killed our book club. KILLED it. no ONE COULD FINISH THE BOOK. I am a voracious reader, I own probably 500, and this one will never be read, it's going to charity.
I did however love the movie, which is odd since it's usually the opposite