Thursday, December 6, 2007


So Matt and I finally watched Transformers the other day. Actually it weeks ago but this is the internet so it was the other day in my time.

Honestly, I know Transformers received some high reviews, but I just wasn’t impressed. And here’s why…. I can handle a movie passing off fighting robots or whatever but not that our government would allow two college students access to their computer systems and national defense systems. And if those agents aren’t on enough drugs we’ve got another unit allowing a teenage boy and his recent girlfriend to boss them around just because he found the car and his great grandfather might have had a connection. Come on, our military would just ride in there, steal the car and never accept blame or admit they couldn’t do something. they certainly wouldn’t accept help from non government officials of this age.

The only reason these young actors/actresses are in the movie is to draw in a younger viewer demographic. If you’re like Matt your rebuttal is that “it’s just a fictional movie and I should calm down, because there are robots talking on the screen”. I’m just sick and tired of Hollywood treating all movie viewers like we’re freaking zombies and don’t pick up on these things. I’m even sadder that so many of the viewers prove them right.

The people who enjoyed Transformers are probably the same people who feel Gattaca isn’t Sci-Fi enough because they still use elevators. Bad Zombies Bad. Gattaca is one of the most realistic Sci-Fi movies out there for reasons that they are still using things like elevators. What do you expect them to teleport everywhere? They use elevators and cars because they still work, just like we do today. Henry Ford first mass produced the Model T in 1908 and although the technology and look has changed we’re still driving them. Why wouldn’t we continue to do so? Its only a few years in the future, this isn’t the Jetson’s.

The moral of my story is, if you’re looking for a good Sci-Fi put down Transformers and rent Gattaca instead.

But what can I say I have a feeling I’m going to love the new National Treasure even though it has Cage in it and is pretty fantasy filled. Like the government would ever give them five percent, they’d lock them up fast and keep all the goods themselves. So I guess I am a hypocrite after all.

“Why are we fighting to save the humans? They're a primitive, violent race.”

And this one because it’s a line I can relate to: “So I downloaded a couple thousand songs off the internet! Who hasn't? Who hasn't?”