Friday, November 14, 2008

CVS 11/9

Very disappointing week at CVS. Not because the deals were lacking but because once again the THREE stores in my area were out of what I planned to purchase. I was only able to pick up three things this week. I tried on two different days and could not find any of the Listerine Mouth Wash and on Monday I was only able to purchase one bottle of St.Ives even though it was a higher limit.

Here's what I was able to walk away with

Not shown is the bottle of water

1 Garnier Shampoo $2.99
~ $1 off coupon
1 GL Smart Water $1.59
1 ST. Ives Body Wash $3.99
~ $2 off coupon

ECB used: $4
OOP: $1.57
ECB Earned: $6.59 ($1.59 water, $3 St. Ives, $2 Garnier)

In total I did get paid $1 to shop at CVS this week, but it could have been so much better.

For more CVS finds this week check out The "Cent"sible Sawyer