Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ideas needed

It's been another one of those weeks here at On Our Way. You know how it is just when I thought we'd have some free time to clean the house, finish the bathroom (and the THREE other projects I started - b/c I'm crazy), craft a little, and catch up on blogging something much more important comes up. I try to keep extended family out of the blog but my younger sister was diagnosed with pneumonia and a kidney infection last night - sometime this morning. Since she is only 11 and has down syndrome it can make hospital stays extra interesting; therefore, Matt and I are taking turns staying with her so my Mom can get some rest. I do promise to return to a regular blogging schedule soon with hopefully a new header as well (finally).

Until then I'm looking for some ideas from you! I would like to put together a listing of some great holiday gifts, preferably homemade and even better if it's (up)recycled in some way. Have the perfect item in mind? Shoot me an email at and your idea could be featured at On Our Way in the near future.


Anonymous said...

I love your site and will keep it in mind as I come up with holiday ideas. Love the theme, as we are working hard to save money.