Friday, July 11, 2008

School Shopping

When the week started out I thought it was going to be very slow on deals, but I eneded up having a good shopping week. The best finds this week was on school supplies.

Here’s what we got at Staples this week. My amazing husband made three trips during the week while he was out and about for his day.

Staples 7/11

In total we purchased
4 – Purell hand sanitizers @ .01
6 – Packs of pencils @ .01
10 – Binders @ .25
30 – Folders @ .01

Total Spent: $2.90 out of pocket. We needed to replenish some of our office supplies and since I spend all day shaking hands with strangers I’ll make quick use of the Purell. The items we won’t use I plan to donate to our church when they do a call for school supplies.

Since the Staples sale ended on Wednesday we spent Thursday at Walmart looking at their school section.

Walmart 7/11

Our purchases were:
2 – Stick glue @ .22
2 – Rose Art colored pencils (12 count) @ .60
2 – Rose Art Crayons (24 count) @ .17
2 – Rose Art Markers (11 count) @ .60
4 – One Subject Notebooks @ .05
2 – Giant Coloring books @ 1
1 – Index Cards @ .46

Total Cost: $5.84 I use the glue sticks in my scrap booking and index cards for recipes. Matt will use the notebooks for school. I plan to use the rest of the items to make two birthday gifts we’ll need next month.

Total School shopping: $8.74 For less than $10 we purchased enough to replenish our needed office supplies, put together two birthday gifts and even have a little left over to donate. What more can you ask for?