Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Find - We Wilsons - Resuable bag tutorial

This week's Friday Find is an amazing craft from Laura at we wilsons. The reusable snack bags are not ony adorable, personal, and good for the earth they're frugal too. Quite frankly the best of all worlds.

Make up a few of these and the next time you reach for a plastic bag grab one of your snack bags instead. You'll be saving more plastic from entering landfills and saving yourself money as well. Plus they are just so darn cute.

I hope to make my own set soon, they would work perfectly for my lunches, and if I can find some "manly" prints I'll make some up for Matt as well. I'm sure he'd love to take them camping. You could even make them with a zipper as one commenter suggested.

Stop by we wilsons via this link for a step by step tutorial and a pdf to download. You'll be making your own snack bags by snack time.

But Laura doesn't spend all day making and talking about reusable snack bags she has tons of great stuff at we wilsons - stuff you'll want to see. While you're there make sure to look at her:

- Airplane bag I HAVE to make one of these
- A giraffe stuffed animal Anyone who's read one of my comments knows how I feel about the humble giraffe

You can also find Laura's great work at her shop - wilsons


Megan said...

I know - I lucked out I was just about to break down and place a big order but now I can hopefully make some of our own. I'm still working on my sewing skills :)